Motor Insurance

Get coverage engineered to protect your car.

Provides cover for your vehicle, against accidental damage or loss to the vehicle, and also extends to cover against third party liability arising out of the use of the vehicle.


The motorcycle insurance cover pays to repair or replace the motorcycle in the event it’s stolen or damaged in an accident. It also covers legal liability against injuries to other people and damage to other people’s property.

Motor Commercial Insurance

Motor Commercial Insurance policy provides cover for motor commercial vehicles against accidental damage, fire, theft , third party liability and is extended to cover passengers while in the cabin.

Motor Trade Insurance

Motor Trade Insurance policy provides cover for motor traders/garages against road risks during the testing and movement of the vehicle on its on wheel from the dealer to the customer or the body builders.
Home Vehicles Life Business

    House Insurance Quote

      Motor Insurance Quote

        Life Insurance Quote

          Health Insurance Quote
          Compare quotes and get your insurance in right way
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          Reliable. Personable. Fast.

          Apply for a fast, Motor insurance quote with D&G .

          We strive to help you find any insurance package that is right for you, so you’re not paying for anything that doesn’t suit your needs!

          Facing any problem to get a quote!

          Call: +254-713-088-463

          Still have any inquiries on our solutions?

          For any inquiries relating to our services feel free to speak to us personally by call during business hours.

          Head office address:

          4th Floor, Corner Plaza, Parklands Road Westlands, P.O.Box 38093-00623, Nairobi, Kenya.

          Call for help:

          (254) 732 088464
          (254) 713 088463

          Mail for information:


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