Marine Insurance

Get coverage built to protect your cargo, as it's shipped!

Marine insurance  helps to protect  individuals and firms against financial loss due to damage or loss of their goods. Essentially, marine cover provides protection against loss or damage caused by marine perils. Marine Insurance can take the following forms listed below:

Marine Hull Insurance

Provides cover against loss and/or damage to vessels, ships hull, machineries, and other equipment of the vessel including collision and liability to third parties.

Marine Cargo Insurance

Provides cover against loss or damage to goods transported from one place to another either by sea, road, rail or air. Marine cargo can consist of imports or exports.

Types of Marine Covers

Covers all risks of loss or damage to insured's cargo except those excluded e.g. wilful misconduct of the insured, ordinary leakage, unseaworthiness of the vessel and inherent vice of the subject matter.
Covers the following risks:
  • Fire or Explosion. Loss or damage to insured cargo attributable to:-
  • Vessel or craft being stranded, grounded, sunk or capsized.
  • Overturning or derailment of land conveyance.
  • Collision or contact of vessel, craft or conveyance with any external object other than water.
  • Discharge of cargo at a port of distress.
  • Earthquake, volcanic eruption or lightning
  • General average sacrifice
  • Jettison
  • Washing Overboard
  • Entry of sea, lake or river water into the vessel, craft, hold, conveyance, container, lift van or place of storage.
  • Total loss of any package lost overboard or dropped whilst loading onto, or unloading from, vessel or craft.
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          Apply for a fast, Marine insurance quote with D&G .

          We strive to help you find any insurance package that is right for you, so you’re not paying for anything that doesn’t suit your needs!

          Facing any problem to get a quote!

          Call: +254-713-088-463

          Still have any inquiries on our solutions?

          For any inquiries relating to our services feel free to speak to us personally by call us during business hours.

          Head office address:

          4th Floor, Corner Plaza, Parklands Road Westlands, P.O.Box 38093-00623, Nairobi, Kenya.

          Call for help:

          (254) 732 088464
          (254) 713 088463

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