
Motor Insurance

Portfolio Get coverage engineered to protect your car. Provides cover for your vehicle, against accidental damage or loss to the vehicle, and also extends to cover against third party liability arising out of the use of the vehicle. Motorcycle Insurance The motorcycle insurance cover pays to repair or replace the motorcycle in the event it’s […]
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Fire & Allied Perils

What risks does your policy cover? Fire and Perils Insurance policy will provide cover for damage or destruction to insured property by Fire, lightning or explosion of domestic appliances. The Fire & perils is an extension of the basic cover and will extend to include the following additional covers:- Riot & strike, malicious damage, explosion, […]
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Goods in Transit

Portfolio Get coverage built to protect your goods on the move. Provides cover against loss, destruction or damage of goods whilst in transit from time of dispatch to final delivery. In addition to this, the policy also covers against liabilities that may arise during loading and offloading the goods. What risks does your policy cover? […]
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Marine Insurance

Portfolio Get coverage built to protect your cargo, as it’s shipped! Marine insurance  helps to protect  individuals and firms against financial loss due to damage or loss of their goods. Essentially, marine cover provides protection against loss or damage caused by marine perils. Marine Insurance can take the following forms listed below: Marine Hull Insurance […]
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Burglary Insurance

Portfolio Get coverage built to protect yourself from theft! Burglary insurance is a policy that covers losses or damage resulting from or following the unlawful breaking and entering of designated premises or places of safekeeping. What are the benefits? Provides financial compensation against loss or damage to property contained in your premises by acts of […]
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All Risks Insurance

Portfolio Get coverage built to shield you from any form of risk! Provides cover to intrinsic value of your possessions against loss or damage to specified items as a result of any cause within the geographical area specified within the policy. This may include theft, fire, riot and strike breakage along with any other cause […]
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Money Insurance

Portfolio Get coverage built to protect your monies against several forms of risk! Provides cover to money lost within different levels of risk e.g.  cash in transit, fidelity guarantee  What risks does your policy cover? Covers loss of money by theft whilst: In transit from premises to the bank. Covers loss of money by theft […]
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Fidelity Guarantee

Portfolio Get coverage built to protect yourself against loss of money arising from acts of fraud! Provides cover against loss of money arising from acts of fraud committed by employees whilst on duty. What risks does your policy cover? All direct pecuniary losses Acts of fraud or dishonesty committed by an employee whilst on the […]
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Portfolio Get coverage built to protect your home. Alico home insurance is more than quality coverage for your space. With access to innovative tools, money-saving discounts and a local agent, it’s easy to make sure you’re covering all your bases. Read on to see all that Alico has to offer. Coverage & Policies See all […]
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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