About Us

About us

Who we are

About us Our Mission Our Vision Our Values Company Goal and Objectives
About D&G

D&G Insurance Brokers Limited was established in July 2011, and is one of the largest insurance brokers in Kenya and East Africa. D&G Insurance Brokers were awarded the Top 100 Mid Sized Companies award in the year 2015.

Our Team

D&G Insurance Brokers Limited comprises of a team of 30 support staff which include experienced & professional underwriters, claim officers, and accountants.

Our Offices

Our spacious office is located on 4th Floor Corner Plaza, Parklands Road, ample andis secure parking is available, making it both convenient and stress free for our customers.

The success and sustainability of our business is linked to the prosperity of our clientele and we aim to deliver this vision by building on the main principals that include:

Advising and providing clientele with the most suited and cost effective policies whilst adding real value to their requisition.
Providing the most efficient services exceeding customer expectations with absolute integrity.


D&G Insurance Brokers Limited’s vision, is to be the platform of choice for Insurance Buyers & Sellers Firm in Kenya and East Africa, alongside adding real value to Kenyans. As D&G we strongly believe that insurance is vital to modern life as everyone has the full right to feel secure against any form of risk.


D&G Insurance Brokers adopts the following core values as the foundation to promote its vision and mission of being the largest Brokerage Firm within the next 3 years.

Honesty and Integrity: Acting in an accurate, professional, prompt, caring and respectful manner to both clientele & staff.
Trust and Respect: Basing relationships with clients & Insurance companies on trust and mutual respect.
Service: Aggressively striving to identify and meet the individual needs of our customers and associated stakeholders.
Teamwork: Working together for the common good of the various departments within the brokerage in order to deliver exceptional service to the clientele.
Communication: Open communication with and accessibility to our stakeholders.
Creativity / Innovation: Cultivating a workplace that encourages and rewards creativity, innovation and good work.
Accountability / Flexibility: Acknowledging and accepting the fact that responsibility and accountability are indivisible, while anticipating and adapting to change in ways that educate the team to manage Insurance Risks.
Continuous Improvement: Striving for continuous improvement while welcoming the opportunities that come available through facilitating change.
Diversity: Recognizing everyone’s potential for excellence based on the strength and diverse wealth of its people and embracing differences.
Build and nurture an environment where D&G can provide the clientele the most professional and reliable insurance services by combining the knowledge and skills of individuals from differing sectors of the Insurance market both in relation to underwriting & ensuring timely and appropriate settlement of claims.
Evaluate and secure on behalf of clients, the best available & suited insurance covers at the lowest possible cost.
Continuously offer advice and loss prevention and control services in order to safeguard and preserve the financial well-being and business standing of our clients.
Increase Profitability whilst providing clientele with total quality service by establishing a marketing team in the near future.
Contribution in the elevation of insurance awareness for the Kenyan businessmen and consumers in general.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)