Welcome to D&G Insurance Brokers Ltd. We are here to
serve you.
Since 2011, we have stood by our clients. We are your organisation for all your insurance needs! About us
Protection guaranteed. The right protection
to keep you moving
We’ve got you covered from motor, fire, burglary, to homeowners insurance, health insurance, money insurance and more!
Products & Services Find out more about
the products we offer
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We are dedicated to support you

You deserve care that’s simple, personalized, and seamless. Safe Insurance that’s designed to help you thrive. At D&G, everything works together for one very important cause: YOU!

Asset Protection

We work with leading insurance companies to ensure you get the best coverage.

Protect Income

We ensure you get the best deals, tailored to your needs!

Premium Payment

Paying those hefty insurance premiums can’t be easy, we ensure you thrive whilst we strive!
Key Products and Services

Motor Insurance

Provides cover for your vehicle, against accidental damage or loss to the vehicle

Fire & Allied Perils

Provides cover for damage to insured's property by fire and associated perils.

Goods in Transit

Provides cover for goods whilst in transit from time of dispatch to final delivery.

Marine Insurance

Provides cover against damage or loss of goods caused by marine perils.

Burglary Insurance

Provides cover for unlawful breaking and entering of designated premises or places of safekeeping.

All Risks Insurance

Provides cover for intrinsic value of your possessions against loss or damage to specified items.

Money Insurance

Provides cover to money lost within different levels of risk e.g. cash in transit, fidelity guarantee

Fidelity Guarantee

Provides cover against loss of money arising from acts of fraud committed by employees whilst on duty.
Domestic Package Motor Life Health

    House Insurance Quote

      Motor Insurance Quote

        Life Insurance Quote

          Health Insurance Quote

          Reliable. Personal. Fast.

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          Compare quotes and get an insurance quote tailored for you!

          Apply for a free insurance quote with D&G. We help you find any insurance coverages tailored to suit your needs!

          Get an insurance quote –  Switch to D&G for an insurance policy from a brand that you can rely on.

          Facing any problem to get a quote!
          Our Partners

          At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

          Melbourne, Australia
          (Sat - Thursday)
          (10am - 05 pm)